This scholarship page was last updated on 04 March 2022. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of State U.S. Mission to Egypt website or the Department of State U.S. Mission to Egypt page for current opportunities.

U.S. Embassy Cairo PAS Annual Program Statement

Department of State U.S. Mission to Egypt
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The Public Affairs Section at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo invites proposals from civil society organizations, think tanks, cultural and arts organizations, and academic institutions for programs that strengthen the academic, cultural, and people-to-people ties between the United States and Egypt through programming that highlights shared values and promotes bilateral cooperation. All programs must include an American element, or must include connection with American expert/s, organization/s, or institution/s in a specific field that will promote increased understanding of U.S. policy and perspectives. Particular consideration will be given to programs with strategic and sustained activities for a duration of 12-18 months, as well as to applications that integrate multiple aspects of U.S. public diplomacy (e.g. American Center Cairo, the Regional English Language Office, alumni outreach, etc.). Priority will be given to proposals that address one or more of the following program areas: 1. 100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE U.S.–EGYPT DIPLOMATIC RELATIONSHIP: April 2022 marks the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States and Egypt. Consideration will be given to innovative programs that highlight what Americans and Egyptians have accomplished together in political, economic, and academic sectors; celebrate the two countries’ deep and historical cultural ties; build people-to-people ties through cultural diplomacy; or promote a greater understanding of the strategic relationship between the United States and Egypt. 2. CLIMATE ACTION: Egypt will host COP-27 in November 2022. Consideration will be given to programs that underscore U.S.-Egypt partnership in climate action and environmental efforts, green entrepreneurship, STEM education related to climate awareness, environmental education (particularly among youth), and capacity building for environmental organizations. 3. ECONOMIC GROWTH: Programs related to economic growth and prosperity will build on or further U.S. Government investment in inclusive socio-economic development, economic competitiveness, skills development, and technology/innovation. Specific consideration will be given to programs that promote economic empowerment of women, youth, and disadvantaged populations in Egypt; support educational initiatives that lead to meaningful employment for young professionals; or that encourage enhanced economic ties between the United States and Egypt. 4. YEAR OF CIVIL SOCIETY: Egypt has named 2022 as a “year of civil society.” Consideration will be given to programs that support an engaged and dynamic civil society, promote a deepened understanding of diversity and inclusion, and encourage tolerance and conflict resolution. 5. EDUCATION: Priority will be given to programs that promote study in the United States, the building of linkages between American and Egyptian academic institutions, and higher education training opportunities for Egyptian students or faculty. Consideration will also be given to programs that promote academic and scientific research between Egyptian and American scholars. 6. CULTURAL PROGRAMS AND ARTS MANAGEMENT: For decades, cultural and arts programming has played a pivotal role in building relationships between the American and Egyptian people. Consideration will be given to cultural programs that strategically advance the U.S.-Egypt partnership; bring together American and Egyptian experts in visual and performing arts, film, literature, graphic design/architecture, cultural heritage management, and the creative economy; or that provide training focused on organizational management. Examples of the kinds of activities to connect the United States and Egypt that can be funded under the PAS Grants Program include, but are not limited to: · Academic and professional lectures, seminars, and speaker series; · Artistic and cultural workshops, musical or on-stage performances, visual arts exhibitions, film showcases or film sector training programs, activities to develop the creative economy, and initiatives to strengthen arts management in Egypt; · Workshops, training, and competitions to strengthen Egypt’s entrepreneurship ecosystem; · Activities that promote climate literacy and environmental education and equip Egyptians with tools to address climate change; · Workshops and seminars that support an engaged civil society and promote diversity and inclusion.
Categories: Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification).

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Egypt , Estados Unidos