This scholarship page was last updated on 13 September 2022. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the E-axes Forum website or the E-axes Forum page for current opportunities.


Call for Papers - The E-axes Forum Prize for Research on Macroeconomic Policies and Sustainability




Prizes & contests

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Scholarship Start Date:

End Date:

Fecha de Cierre:


Funding Amount

5000 USD

The E-axes Forum is a non-profit research organization on macroeconomic policies and sustainability. The Forum is dedicated to aggregating knowledge from around the globe with the aim to catalyze the engagement of economists and decision makers who are working on policies towards achieving a sustainable economy.

The E-axes Forum awards an annual prize for outstanding research conducted by young scholars on a topic related to the Forum’s mission.

Topic of this year’s prize:

Applicants must submit a completed but unpublished paper on:

“Challenges Climate Change Poses for Central Banks”

Issues of interest include, but are not restricted to,
● How can central bankers best use their balance sheets to promote the transition to net zero?
● How should central banks integrate climate considerations into their lending and collateral frameworks?
● How should monetary policymakers incorporate climate into their regular, periodic decisions?
● What are the challenges that incomplete and imprecise climate-related data pose for central bank decision-making?

Prize award criteria
E-axes Forum will assess papers using three selection criteria: i) innovative thinking and scientific merit, ii) implications for policymakers, and iii) relevance to the themes described above.

The prize amount is $5,000 and is intended to support the recipient(s) in their research activities. The total cash award is the same for both single and co-authored papers.

Should more than one winning paper be selected, the total cash award will be distributed equally between the authors of the prize-winning papers.

Eligibility requirement
The prize is intended to support young researchers in their early career development. Eligible candidates must either have completed their PhD in 2015 or later; or are  completing their PhD in 2022-2023. Both single and co-authored papers will be considered. However, all authors of a co-authored paper must comply with the eligibility requirement.

Submission procedure
Applications with completed papers and a CV should be submitted by email to by midnight EDT on September 30th, 2022. The winner of the award will be announced on November 28th. The winner(s) will present their paper during a webinar on December 5th, 2022.

Prize Committee Members
Patrick Bolton, Imperial College and Columbia University
Stephen G. Cecchetti, Brandeis University
Pierre Monnin, Council on Economic Policies
Fernanda Nechio, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Lucrezia Reichlin, London Business School
Glenn D. Rudebusch, Brookings Institution

E-axes Forum Prize 2022

More Information


Prizes & Contests



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Scholarship Start Date:

End Date:

Fecha de Cierre:


Eligibility Description

Eligible candidates must either have completed their PhD in 2015 or later; or are completing their PhD in 2022-2023

Applicant Types

Individuals, Graduate Students, Early Career (PhD / Postdoc)