This scholarship page was last updated on 14 June 2022. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Education website or the Department of Education page for current opportunities.

Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE): Higher Education Programs (HEP): Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans (PPOHA) Program, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.031M

Department of Education
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Note: Each funding opportunity description is a synopsis of information in the Federal Register application notice. For specific information about eligibility, please see the official application notice. The official version of this document is the document published in the Federal Register. Free Internet access to the official edition of the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations is available on GPO Access at: Please review the official application notice for pre-application and application requirements, application submission information, performance measures, priorities and program contact information. For the addresses for obtaining and submitting an application, please refer to our Revised Common Instructions for Applicants to Department of Education Discretionary Grant Programs, published in the Federal Register on December 27, 2021. Purpose of Program: The purposes of the PPOHA Program are to: (1) Expand postbaccalaureate educational opportunities for, and improve the academic attainment of, Hispanic students; and (2) expand the postbaccalaureate academic offerings, as well as enhance the program quality, at the institutions of higher education (IHEs) that are educating the majority of Hispanic college students and helping large numbers of Hispanic and low-income students complete postsecondary degrees. Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 84.031M.
Categories: Education.

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