This scholarship page was last updated on 18 July 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of State U.S. Mission to Georgia website or the Department of State U.S. Mission to Georgia page for current opportunities.

The Teaching Advancement Program “Teachers of Tomorrow” (TOT)

Department of State U.S. Mission to Georgia
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Research/project funding

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Goal of the TOT program is to enhance quality of general education through improving PSTE programs and professional capacity of in-service teachers and teacher educators. This program will be a complementary effort to existing USAID funded “Educating the Future Activity” program while also providing an additional element of exchange visit and a study tour. The TOT will seek to deliver an intensive hands-on training (both in person and webinars) for teacher educators/university faculty in curriculum development, modern teaching methods, student assessment, etc. The program will also help to explore the concept of teacher leadership, as well as the skills and dispositions necessary for this role beginning at the pre-service level. A new course in teacher leadership will be developed and introduced in close cooperation with local teacher educators. TOT will entail establishing or improving a practicum program for pre-service teachers, developing strong linkages between PSTE institutions and local schools. TOT envisages exchanges in both directions – a combination of trips to the United States – a two-week robust study tour for eight Georgian participants (pre-service and in-service teachers) and trips to Georgia of American partners, who will be engaged in active trainings on specific topics mentioned above and identified additionally in consultation with PDS and TOT participants. The study tour will bring Georgian delegation to U.S. based universities to share best practices on how pre-service teacher education is delivered, how curriculum is constructed, how partnerships are established with schools, and how quality control mechanisms are enforced. Moreover, visits to American universities are meant to raise the profile of the visiting fellows so that the effectiveness of their future contribution to their respective communities is further enhanced. TOT activities will be implemented in two universities in Georgia – one Tbilisi-based and one located in a region. TOT program objectives include the following: · Enhance professional capacity of teacher educators and provide them with practical strategies to accommodate change in their teaching practices and in the content of their programs; · Design and introduce a new course/s in instructional leadership/curriculum development. · Develop a strategy/marketing campaign to address the problem of poor student recruitment policy - PSTE programs face a challenge of attracting motivated and capable students interested in STEM (over the course of the years, the demand for the STEM teachers is rising, however the universities fail to attract students) students from rural areas, male students. · Establish models of efficient practicums in pre-service programs. · Creating a network of program alumni throughout Georgia who can later develop joint efforts to solve the problems they collectively face. Following topics/activities (the list can be further expanded) may be supported: a) Trainings/webinars/workshops on how to: · Develop a curriculum/design a new course. · Identify and address gaps in students’ learning. · Help pre-service teachers transition from student to teacher. · Observe and provide constructive feedback to pre-service teaching during practicum and microteaching · Conduct analysis and assessment to improve instruction. b) Develop a mentorship program (international partners) that connects pre-service and leadership faculty with successful school leaders to learn from their experiences. c) Provide opportunities for pre-service and leadership faculty to attend conferences or other professional development opportunities (both distance learning or in person opportunities) to learn about current trends and best practices in education. d) Develop (non-financial) incentives for schools to host practicums for schools to gain recognition for their contributions. Learn from best international practices of such incentives. c) Provide training to pre-service faculty on effective practicum design and implementation
Categories: Education.

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Application Deadline:



Research/Project Funding

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United States