This scholarship page was last updated on 01 August 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of State U.S. Mission to Mozambique website or the Department of State U.S. Mission to Mozambique page for current opportunities.

Support Maputo American Corner Computer and English Courses

Department of State U.S. Mission to Mozambique

Financial aid

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The U.S. Embassy Mozambique Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that programming funding is available through its American Spaces Support Funds Program. American Spaces Support Funds programming aims to support sustainable development and increase mutual understanding by proving free access to resources to learn more about American culture, expand knowledge on study opportunities in the U.S., and increase economic opportunities through English training and computer literacy. This year’s funding is focused on the following themes: · Computer skills and social media use best practices courses. · English Courses to improve fluency for education and job opportunities. Proposals should be based on only one of these two themes, and activities must be based at American Corner, located in Biblioteca Nacional de Moçambique. Please follow all instructions below. Priority Region: Maputo City, Mozambique Program Objectives: Computer Skills and Social Media Best Practices Courses Computer Skills Course: Train approximately 25-30 secondary school aged young people in basic computer skills, with a focus on the Microsoft Office suite. Topics and approach should be tailored to aiding students to enhance their study support tools and knowledge. Social Media Course: Provide a comprehensive overview on social media best practices for effective communication in a digital era to up to 70 young professionals. Topics should cover how to create a strong password, use 2-factor authenticators, how to recognize malware threats, and review of data privacy policies. Beneficiaries should learn computer skills while also improving their understanding of cybersecurity, increasing capacity to safely inform oneself through use of the internet and social media. The American Corner at Biblioteca Nacional will provide computers and internet and will also be the venue for both courses. The total amount available for this theme is $5,000.00, $2,000.00 for the basic computer skills training (Microsoft Office) and $3,000.00 for social media best practices training. English Courses for Education and Economic Empowerment Provide English Language Lessons for two cohorts of 30 young Mozambicans to enhance their existing English language skills to increase eligibility for education and economically empowering opportunities. One cohort should be university-aged students and the other cohort young professionals in the tourism sector. The activities must promote American values and included topics should be critical thinking, time management and public speaking, among others. The application should detail what materials and equipment will be used, methodology that will be adopted for lessons, and links to any websites or platforms that may serve as instruments for the teachers or students lessons. The American Corner at Biblioteca Nacional will provide computers and internet and will also be the venue for both courses. The amount available for this theme is: $6,500.00 Participants and Audiences: Young Mozambicans varying from ages 18 – 30 years old, gender diversity should be taken into consideration. B. FEDERAL AWARD INFORMATION Length of performance period: 12 months Number of awards anticipated: 2 awards Award amounts: - Computer Skills and Social Media Best Practices Courses: $5,000.00 - English Courses for Education and Economic Empowerment: $6,500.00 Total available funding: $11,500.00 Type of Funding: FY23 Fulbright-Hays American Spaces Support Funds Anticipated program start date: 1 October 2023. This notice is subject to availability of funding. Funding Instrument Type: Grant Program Performance Period: Proposed programs should be completed in 12 months.
Categories: Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification).

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