This scholarship page was last updated on 18 June 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management website or the Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management page for current opportunities.

NT-23-10a: Feel the Vibrations: Behavioral Response by Fish and Invertebrates to Particle Motion/Substrate Vibration from Pile-Driving

Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
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Offshore construction activities routinely involve sound and vibration-generating activities, such as pile driving. Little is known about the effects of substrate-borne, vibroacoustic disturbances on marine life living on or in the substrate. BOEM will use the behavioral response information expected from this proposed study to make more informed assessments of the impacts of its activities. The study will include species of ecological and commercial importance. The results will directly inform the animal behavior component of the Center for Marine Acoustic’s (CMA’s) acoustic impact model. Also, the results will inform CMA’s technical papers that inform BOEM’s environmental and biological impact assessments and consultations under the National Environmental Policy Act and Endangered Species Act.The objective of this study is to provide insight about the potential effects of particle motion and substrate-borne vibration from pile-driving activity on demersal fish and invertebrates through a dedicated empirical behavioral response study.The proposed study will assess the behavior of demersal fish and invertebrates during actual pile driving (preferred) or simulated pile-driving activity (acceptable). The study will include a control group to assess baseline behavior without pile-driving activity. Measurements will be made of the vibroacoustic field (must include particle motion and substrate vibration), using appropriate tools for each type of vibroacoustic wave. The study output will provide appropriate context for assessing the cause of any observed changes in behavior by including measurements and documentation of other relevant disturbances and environmental factors. The objectives will be achieved through one or more field studies, with the intention of examining a vibroacoustic field that is representative of offshore construction pile driving.
Categories: Environment.

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