Fostering Research With Additional Resources and Development (FORWARD) Urology Centers (P20 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health
Research/project funding
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Reference Number
The overall goal of the Fostering Research with Additional Resources and Development (FORWARD) Urology Centers program is to foster and expand the urology (excluding cancer) research community. The objective of each FORWARD Urology Center will be to support a Research Project designed and conducted by a collaborative, multidisciplinary team comprising primarily of junior investigators with at least one Early Stage Investigator (ESI) and/or researcher new to urology. Research Project data are expected to support one or more follow-on independent grant applications (e.g., R01s) submitted by Research Project Team investigators. The Center PD(s)/PI(s) will lead an Administrative (Project Support) Core to provide guidance to the Research Project Team to help ensure the research aims are met and to aid them in their successful integration into the broader urologic research field. The Center will leverage intra- and extra-institutional resources, collaborations and facilities and engage as a member of NIDDKs CAIRIBU (Collaborating for the Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research in Benign Urology) Program.
Categories: Health, Food and Nutrition.
Categories: Health, Food and Nutrition.
United States