This scholarship page was last updated on 29 October 2022. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Agency for International Development South Africa USAID-Pretoria website or the Agency for International Development South Africa USAID-Pretoria page for current opportunities.

Achieving and Sustaining HIV/TB Epidemic Control in the Limpopo Province

Agency for International Development South Africa USAID-Pretoria


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The goal of USAID’s “Achieving and Sustaining HIV/TB Epidemic Control in the Limpopo Province” Activity is to support long, healthy lives for the population of Limpopo Province by achieving and sustaining HIV/TB epidemic control. USAID aims to reach this goal by achieving the following strategic objectives:(1) Close the gaps to HIV epidemic control;(2) Sustain health gains through strengthened, improved, and resilient health systems; and(3) Leverage community, civil society, traditional structures, and private sector partnerships to improve and sustain service delivery and client outcomes.The geographic focus is two districts in the Limpopo Province: Capricorn and Mopani Districts.USAID may change the geographic coverage based on epidemiological data and/or Government of South Africa (GoSA) and U.S. Government (USG) priorities.The estimated period of performance is five years, and the total estimated amount to be awarded is approximately US$80 million.
Categories: Health.

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United States