This scholarship page was last updated on 26 May 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture website or the Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture page for current opportunities.

Tribal Colleges Extension Program: Special Emphasis

Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture


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The purpose of the Tribal Colleges Extension Program: Special Emphasis (TCEP-SE) is to support pilot projects in Extension at the 1994 Land-Grant institutions. A pilot project allows Extension offices to be responsive to community needs through projects that address youth, agriculture, economic development, or other issues important to stakeholders. The TCEP-SE is intended to be a component of the applicant 1994 institution’s land-grant roadmap or strategic planning process and can be used to supplement their existing Tribal Colleges Extension Program (TCEP) capacity project by extending the reach of innovations in research and technology and enhancing informal, local educational programming.
Categories: Agriculture.

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