This scholarship page was last updated on 24 January 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control - CGH website or the Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control - CGH page for current opportunities.

Strengthening Regional, National, and Subnational Institutional Capacities to Sustainably Combat HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control - CGH
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The Award Ceiling for Year 1 is 0 (none). CDC anticipates an Approximate Total Fiscal Year Funding amount of $20,000,000 for Year 1, subject to the availability of funds. For this NOFO, applicants should apply to the Average One Year Award Amount/Approximate Average Award amount of $5,000,000 instead of applying to the full $20,000,000 Approximate Total Fiscal Year Funding amount for Year 1. Applicants should develop a proposal to spend up to $5,000,000 carrying out activities in up to 5 PEPFAR-supported countries. If activities are proposed in more than one country, these countries, if in close geographic proximity, can be assembled as a region with activities being proposed in a regional manner. Exact funding amounts and the geographic scope for each award under this NOFO will be determined at the time of award. Geographic prioritization may change over the course of the period of performance. This NOFO will strengthen the capabilities of host country governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to plan, manage, and monitor sustainable programs and systems to respond to HIV, TB, and other diseases and conditions of public health concern. As countries reach HIV epidemic control, a key priority is sustaining low levels of HIV incidence while supporting greater country ownership and management, facilitating the transition of programs to local oversight, and strengthening financial, operational, technical, and programmatic controls. Activities will be determined with input from relevant host governments, civil society organizations, and community representatives (including people living with HIV [PLHIV]); these groups will be engaged throughout project development and implementation. Activities may include but are not limited to Policy, leadership, and governance; Management, operations, and business services; Training; Technical Assistance in various program operation areas; Strategic planning for sustainability; Monitoring, evaluation, and performance reporting; Community-led monitoring; Finance, budget, and planning for the health sector and for institutions; and Public health preparedness and response (including surveillance, laboratory, health services, and communication). Recipient(s) should include accountability measures, demonstrating a commitment to respecting the rights, local knowledge, and expertise of host country colleagues and local partners.
Categories: Health.

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