This scholarship page was last updated on 08 February 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of State U.S. Mission to Zambia website or the Department of State U.S. Mission to Zambia page for current opportunities.

PEPFAR Zambia 2024 Small Grants NOFO

Department of State U.S. Mission to Zambia
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THE EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ANNOUNCES A CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR THE U.S. PEPFAR SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM Open period for receipt of applications: January 3 through March 3, 2023 Applications received after the March 3, 2023 deadline will not be held or reviewed. The U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce a new round of funding for the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Zambia Small Grants Program. Background: The PEPFAR Small Grants Program is highly competitive funding which supports projects in three thematic areas: HIV prevention, care for children and Adolescents and Young People (AYP), and projects that promote key and priority population education, treatment and adherence in Zambia’s HIV response. Organizations funded through the PEPFAR Small Grants Program must be providing one or more of the following services: 1. HIV prevention that includes targeted evidence-based prevention programs. Prevention programs may focus on one or more of the following categories: · HIV prevention and sexual violence · Norms and behavior change · Key and Priority Populations · Gender based violence (GBV) and post-GBV care services Evidence-based means that the program uses a specific curriculum, implementation is monitored and can be measured, and the program has been proven to yield positive results. 2. Targeted HIV Case Finding Services with the aim of identifying and newly testing, newly linking or re-linking individuals to anti-retroviral treatment (ART). These will include identification, linkage, retention in care, with a focus on reaching key and priority populations, children and Adolescents and Young People (AYP). 3. Community-based Care and Support – Service delivery specifically for people living with HIV (PLHIV), including children and Adolescents and Young People affected by and living with HIV as well as key and priority populations. This includes activities such as case management adherence clubs, psychological support services, tracking and tracing people who experience treatment interruption or are not virologically suppressed. The PEPFAR Small Grants Program will fund programmatic costs associated with these activities. These include supplies/materials, transport, equipment, training related to program implementation, and/or administration in the context of the above activities. Successful implementation of these activities may also require building the capacity of recipient organizations in areas such as monitoring and evaluation and case management. Funding Amount: Up to the Zambian Kwacha equivalent of $25,000.00 maximum may be requested. Detailed budgets must be submitted with the application. Funding amounts to successful organizations will be dependent on the results of pre-award risk assessments conducted on all selected organizations. Applicants must provide recommendations from previous funding agencies indicating successful implementation of projects. Project Duration: October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024 Application forms can be downloaded at Who is Eligible to Apply? In order to apply for funding, organizations must meet the following eligibility requirement: · Be a registered civil society, community or faith-based organization in Zambia · Been in operation for at least two years · Serve HIV-affected, infected and/or high-risk populations · Not receiving any other direct funding from the U.S. Government as a prime partner or a sub-recipient Applications submitted without all required documents will not be considered. Contact: Program Manager, Civil Society Engagement PEPFAR Coordination Office Embassy of the United States of America P.O. Box 320065, Lusaka, Zambia mailto: (+260) 211 357062
Categories: Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification).

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