This scholarship page was last updated on 05 January 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Commerce website or the Department of Commerce page for current opportunities.

Climate Program Office (CPO), Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI) Division — Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)

Department of Commerce


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The goal of this Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support collaborative research and community engagement projects that improve climate adaptation planning and action. Collaborative research and community engagement are defined here as the process of developing trusted and sustained partnerships between scientists, decision-makers, and communities that lead to shared understandings of climate adaptation needs and the co-generation of credible and actionable climate knowledge to support community defined plans, including implementable solutions. Outcomes from this work will support and inform the identification of equitable and inclusive infrastructure investments that mitigate flooding and wildfire risks.This initiative supports National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) activities within the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). Through BIL, NOAA aims to improve capabilities to better inform decisions to protect life and property, and mitigate flooding and wildfire impacts to the U.S. population and economy. Specifically, outcomes of grants funded through this opportunity will support national adaptive capacity by 1) generating new, locally relevant knowledge and strategies to reduce risks from flooding and wildfire in frontline communities, 2) testing and evaluating the scalability and transferability of existing methods of engagement and/or approaches for integrating social and interdisciplinary knowledge into climate adaptation planning for flooding and wildfire, and 3) piloting new methods of engagement and/or approaches for integrating social and interdisciplinary knowledge into climate adaptation planning for flooding and wildfire.Through this NOFO, the Climate Adaptation Partnerships program in the Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI) division of the Climate Program Office is soliciting applications for three competitions.1. Improving Engagement Methods for Coastal Resilience Planning2. Assessing Tradeoffs and Co-Benefits for Complex Decision-Making in Communities Facing Coastal Inundationand/or Inland Flooding3. Identifying Complex Interactions between Social Infrastructure and Wildfire Risks to Improve Community AdaptiveCapacityCompetitions 1, 2, & 3 support collaborative activities that leverage the Climate Adaptation Partnerships (CAP) program, formerly the Regional Integrated Science and Assessments (RISA) program. Projects will work across existing CAP/RISA teams and expansion activity regions, to test, scale, and transfer knowledge to build national adaptation capacity. The Principal Investigator of the proposal must be a member of a current CAP/RISA team, see section I.B. for additional information on eligibility and team composition requirements. CAP/RISA is a network of regionally focused and applied research and engagement teams with over 25 years of experience building local capacity to adapt to climate impacts. CAP/RISA teams possess extensive knowledge of the key physical, social, cultural, and economic dynamics associated with climate risks and opportunities, and have developed innovative and transformative solutions to build adaptive capacity within their regions, making them credible sources of knowledge and support for partners. As long term, place-based NOAA investments, CAP/RISA teams have had the time to develop sustained and trusted relationships with decision-makers and community members at the frontline of climateimpacts.
Categories: Business and Commerce, Environment, Science and Technology and other Research and Development, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Natural Resources.

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