This scholarship page was last updated on 05 April 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Agency for International Development South Africa USAID-Pretoria website or the Agency for International Development South Africa USAID-Pretoria page for current opportunities.

South Africa Power to the People Design Services

Agency for International Development South Africa USAID-Pretoria
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USAID/South Africa seeks program design support services including a political economy analysis, community listening sessions, gender and youth analysis, and design workshop support to inform and facilitate the design of its new Power to the People program.The field-based political economy analysis will focus on improving understanding of the underlying power dynamics and relationships in the IPP SED investment landscape. The political economy analysis will enable USAID and the IPPO to better address the challenges and emerging issues, take advantage of evident opportunities, and react to unexpected political and economic trends and social conditions in specific project sites. The political economy analysis will influence the design and implementation of current and future Power to the People activities.
Categories: Energy.

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