This scholarship page was last updated on 01 December 2022. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Energy Golden Field Office website or the Department of Energy Golden Field Office page for current opportunities.

2022 Funding Opportunity Announcement for Energy Improvements at Public K-12 School Facilities - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) - Renew America's Schools

Department of Energy Golden Field Office


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The Office of State and Community Energy Programs is issuing this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) titled Energy Improvements at Public K-12 School Facilities - Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) - Renew America's Schools. The activities to be funded under this FOA support BIL section 40541 and the broader government-wide approach to support projects that enable replicable and scalable impacts, create innovative, sustaining partnerships, leverage funding and economies of scale, focus on disadvantaged communities, improve student, teacher, and occupant health, enrich learning and growth, assist schools that serve as community assets (e.g., neighborhood cooling centers or disaster recovery shelters), and are crafted thoughtfully within the context of public school facilities (e.g., procurement restraints, construction windows, etc.). Topic Area 1 – High-Impact Energy Efficiency and Health Improvements Proposals contemplated under this topic area will include energy improvements that result in direct reduction to school energy costs, increase energy efficiency, and lead to improvements in teacher and student health, including indoor air quality. Energy cost savings may be realized by reduced loads and/or by demand flexibility and demand response approaches. Topic Area 2 - Innovative Energy Technology Packages Proposals contemplated under this topic include innovative energy technology packages. Applicants may include any improvement, repair, or renovation to a school that incorporates two or more of the following energy improvements: • Energy efficiency measures • Installation of renewable energy technologies • Alternative fueled vehicle infrastructure on school grounds • Purchase or lease of alternative fueled vehicles to be used by a school DOE expects to make a total of approximately $80,000,000 of federal funding available for new awards under this FOA, subject to the availability of appropriated funds. DOE anticipates making approximately 20-100 awards under this FOA. DOE may issue one, multiple, or no awards. Individual awards may vary between $500,000 and $15,000,000. Please see full announcement document at
Categories: Energy, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA).

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