TriECON Workshop on Income, Pay Composition and Labour Market Outcomes


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The IAAEU and the Chair of Personnel Economics at Trier University are pleased to announce the TriECON Workshop on Income, Pay Composition and Labour Market Outcomes. We plan to hold the workshop on-site on February 13 (starting in the early afternoon) and February 14 (ending around noon).

The workshop offers a venue for researchers to network and exchange their most recent findings and ideas. We encourage submissions that assess, but are not limited to, the following determinants of labour market outcomes:

  • Performance-related pay
  • Bonus Payments
  • Fringe benefits
  • Windfall gains

Please submit electronic versions of extended abstracts or preferably full papers in PDF format no later than November 29, 2024 to Notifications of acceptance for presentation will be sent by December 06, 2024. Full versions of accepted papers should be made available two weeks before the workshop. 

For those who lack funding, we can offer a small subsidy of 200 €. Please indicate with your application.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the local organiser at Further information will be available on our website soon.

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