NIDCR Research Grants for Analyses of Existing Genomics Data (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health
Research/project funding
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The purpose of this FOA is to announce support for meritorious research projects that address research questions relevant to human dental, oral, or craniofacial (DOC) conditions or traits through analyzing existing and publicly available genomics data using statistical and computational approaches. Data analysis of each project can be performed using exiting and/or novel methods to be developed in the same project, including machine learning-based methods (ML). In addition to analysis of existing data, experimental or in silico work should be proposed to validate data analysis result or validate a newly developed analytic method. Work that tackles causal mechanism of action of identified candidate causal genetic variants on onset and progression of disease is highly encouraged.
Categories: Health.
Categories: Health.
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