Research Funding incl. Doctoral Studentship from the National Bank of Slovakia
Partially Online (some attendance required)
Research/project funding
36 Months
5000 - 50000 EUR
For doctoral studentships, a limit of 30000 EUR over three years applies.
Michal Horvath
The Foundation of the National Bank of Slovakia has issued a new grant call to support projects for the development of economic and financial research. Researchers and institutions can submit project proposals, including applications for doctoral studentship funding, in any field of economic and financial research. Preference will be given to projects on Slovakia, the central European region and the euro area in accordance with the research priorities and analytical needs of the bank. Projects worth 5,000 to 50,000 EUR will be considered. For doctoral studentships, a limit of 30,000 EUR over three years applies.
The Foundation of the National Bank of Slovakia has issued a new grant call to support projects for the development of economic and financial research.
Project proposals may be submitted for any of the following areas:
(a) implementation of a coherent research programme;
(b) further development of existing high-quality research;
(c) analytical support for research projects;
(d) financing for researchers’ study visits in Slovakia and abroad;
(e) doctoral studies at domestic and foreign universities;
(f) establishment of innovative research areas and methods;
(g) stronger linking of research and its practical applications;
(h) popularisation of economic and financial research.
Research projects can be in any field of economic and financial research. In terms of topics, however, preference will be given to projects on:
(a) transmission of monetary policy and the transmission of inflationary pressures through the behaviour of households and businesses;
(b) macroprudential policy and the real estate market;
(c) heterogeneity in price dynamics, in the corporate sector, in the labour market and in society;
(d) population ageing, migration and labour market dynamics;
(e) economic and financial consequences of climate change.
Preference will be given to projects on Slovakia, the central European region and the euro area in accordance with the research priorities and analytical needs of the bank.
Projects worth 5,000 to 50,000 EUR will be considered. For doctoral studentships, a limit of 30,000 EUR over three years applies.
It is recommended that applicants co-finance projects from own funds, but it is not a mandatory requirement of the present call. The level of use of own funds will be part of a project’s point score.