This scholarship page was last updated on 08 March 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Defense Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA website or the Department of Defense Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA page for current opportunities.

Ovarian Cancer Clinical Translational Research Award

Department of Defense Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
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Research/project funding

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The Clinical Translational Research Award intends to support correlative studies that are associated with a clinical trial (past, ongoing, or future), in order to correlate various factors (genetic, biochemical, environmental and others) with initiation, progression, metastasis, recurrence, prognosis, diagnosis or effect of intervention on ovarian cancer outcomes. The translational research should address high-impact or unmet needs in ovarian cancer. Although not all-inclusive, research proposed under this mechanism may entail initiation of a deeper molecular analysis of clinical samples, biomarker validation, or continuing clinical follow-up of patients currently/previously enrolled in an open/ongoing or completed clinical trial. The proposed research may be hypothesis testing or may be designed to generate clinically annotated and molecularly characterized experimental platforms (e.g., tissue arrays, patient-derived models).
Categories: Science and Technology and other Research and Development.

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Research/Project Funding

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