Implementing Comprehensive HIV services in Syringe Service Program (SSP) Settings (R01 - Clinical Trial Required)
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health
Research/project funding
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There has been a substantial increase in the number of syringe service programs (SSPs) in the US and the range of these settings has become broader, with many now located in health department or FQHCs, in addition to the more traditional CBO and AIDS Service Organization settings. There is a need to provide models for bringing sustainable integrated HIV prevention and care into SSP settings. Newer SSPs often are in settings that have limited expertise for other substance use services and may be limited in terms of HIV care. More established SSPs may provide HIV testing, but often do not directly provide other HIV prevention and care services and rely on referrals with limited follow-up. SSPs provide opportunities for regular contact with PWID and their network members (including non-injectors) which may enable greater engagement and re-engagement across the HIV continua of prevention and treatment. Newer SSPs often are in rural areas with limited capacity to provide a range of HIV services and the COVID pandemic has required restructuring of services and has led to some closures. CDC is developing infrastructure to better monitor SSP programs, survey clients, and develop technical assistance models for SSPs. A program of implementation-focused research to improve HIV prevention and care would complement this effort, as well as SAMHSAs support of these settings.
Categories: Education, Health.
Categories: Education, Health.