This scholarship page was last updated on 18 November 2022. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service website or the Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service page for current opportunities.

F23AS00078 National Fish Passage Program Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Fiscal Year 2023

Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service


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The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (Pub. L. 117-58, November 15, 2021, “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,” or “BIL”) provided $200 million for Federal Fiscal Years (FY) 2022 to 2026 to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) National Fish Passage Program (NFPP). This funding opportunity announcement outlines the criteria and process to select projects for NFPP BIL FY2023 funding. The NFPP is a voluntary program that provides direct technical and financial assistance to partners to remove instream barriers and restore aquatic organism passage and aquatic connectivity for the benefit of Federal trust resources. In doing so, NFPP aims to maintain or increase fish populations to improve ecosystem resiliency and provide quality fishing experiences for the American people. Activities that restore fish passage also support the modernization of the country’s infrastructure such as road culverts, bridges, and water diversions contributing to enhanced community resilience to the impacts from climate change and other public safety hazards. NFPP funds a variety of project types including, but not limited to, dam removals, culvert replacements, floodplain restoration, and the installation of fishways. The NFPP is delivered through the Fish and Aquatic Conservation Program (FAC) across all States and territories. FAC staff coordinate with project partners, stakeholders, and other Service programs to identify and collaboratively implement projects within regional priority areas. Project work plans are developed strategically, in coordination with partners, and with substantial involvement from FAC staff. Projects must be based upon sound scientific principles, advance the Service mission, and promote biological diversity. Applicants seeking funding under this program should contact the regional NFPP Coordinator that corresponds to the location of the project for additional information on regional priorities and coordination with FAC staff prior to applying for funding. Contact are listed at the end of the announcement.
Categories: Natural Resources.

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