This scholarship page was last updated on 08 June 2024. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the National Institutes of Health website or the National Institutes of Health page for current opportunities.

CCRP Initiative: Chemical Threat Agent-induced Pulmonary and Ocular Pathophysiological Mechanisms (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

National Institutes of Health


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Funding Opportunity RFA-ES-24-005 from the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support research seeking to understand mechanisms of chemical toxicity and to identify potential molecular/genetic targets that reduce acute effects of chemical threat agents that affect the eyes and lungs. These discoveries can lead to exploration of therapeutic countermeasures through early stage development efforts supported by the Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT) NIH-wide program, a component within the Chemical Countermeasures Research Program (CCRP).

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