Doctoral Position (wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in; payscale EG 13 TV-L; 75%)


Phd candidate



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Job Start Date

Annual Salary

60 EUR

The exact salary depends on previous experience.



The Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU) at Trier University invites applications for one Doctoral Position (wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (m/f/d); payscale EG 13 TV-L; 75%), starting preferably on May 1, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.  The prospective jobholder will support the IAAEU's research in the field of labour and personnel economics.

The appointment is initially for a period of three years with the possibility of renewal for at most the same period, according to the regulations of the relevant law (WissZeitVG). 

The IAAEU is one of the leading research institutes in the area of European Labour Law and Labour and Personnel Economics in Germany. The institute's Economics group focuses its theoretical and empirical work on labour market institutions and their consequences for market outcomes. We are a dynamic, international and research-oriented team. In-depth discussions, intensive supervision, regular internal workshops for presenting and discussing your own work and a wide range of opportunities to exchange ideas with external researchers offer excellent conditions for starting a career in academia. 

An interest in the economic analysis of legal restrictions (for example, dismissal protection, minimum wage, collective bargaining) would be advantageous. An excellent command of microeconomic or microeconometric methods is a prerequisite for successful collaboration. The position is set up for academic qualification in order to write a cumulative doctoral thesis. Opportunities for university teaching are available. An excellent command of German and a very good knowledge of English are required. We are looking for economists or graduates of related university courses with an excellent Master degree. The IAAEU is an equal opportunities employer and strongly encourages qualified women to apply.

Please send your application with cover letter, CV and other relevant documents (by March 31, 2025 at the latest) and any queries by e-mail to goerke(at) Information about the IAAEU can be found at

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Phd candidate



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Job Start Date

Annual Salary

60 EUR

The exact salary depends on previous experience.




Campus II

54296 Trier , Deutschland