Programming in Python - Beginner Level


Professional training, summer schools, supplementary courses



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End Date

Application Deadline


Regular fees: 630 - 930 EUR

An introduction to the Python programming language, with many opportunities to write programs yourself.

In this online short course, you will learn how to solve problems using structured programming. We will use the Python language, but the skills and principles taught in this course apply to any programming language. 

Python is currently in high demand; it’s a programming language that has enjoyed a meteoric surge in popularity among professionals.

With supervised practicals and assignments that will be evaluated, students will learn how to program through active coding. As such, this course encourages an environment of independence where students can feel secure in their own understanding and application of Python.

Lectures will be light yet highly interactive, with many small exercises to engage student’s abilities under professional guidance. Course topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Computer programming concepts
  • Programming as a problem-solving tool
  • The Python language
  • The use of Jupyter notebook
  • Best coding practices
  • Debugging code
  • Visualisation

Python code is relatively easy to read and understand and has a vast number of practical applications, including everything from the sciences to the arts. Furthermore, the skills you’ll pick up in this course will be transferable to other programming languages.

Course information:

  • Entry requirements
  • Course days: 6-17 January 2025
  • Attendance: online only
  • Course level: master's, PhD candidates, and professionals.
  • See the course curriculum
  • Coordinating lecturer: Nick Schutgens
  • Forms of tuition: online, interactive lectures. Exercises and assignments
  • Language of tuition: English
    Please note: a student is expected to have a high level of English proficiency for this course (at least equivalent to IELTS 6.5 / Level B2)
  • Forms of assessment: a mixture of individual and group assignments
  • Equivalent to 3 ECTS
  • Preparatory time: 15 (before the start of the course)
  • Contact hours: 30
  • Self-study hours: 18 (after the start of the course)
  • Read the application process


Students, PhD students and employees of VU Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC or an Aurora Network Partner:

  • €630

Students and PhD students:

  • €730


  • €930

Applications received before 15 October get a €50 Early Bird Discount!

What students say about this course

When asked about the best part of the course, students from the 2023 winter school edition answered: 

“I love the way the teacher uses Zoom. The breakout rooms made the course super interactive. I like the material of the course. The exercises really help you understand the concepts.”

“Lots of exercise to practice ourselves, good pace overall. Very helpful teacher, very patient with all of us.”

More Information


Professional training, summer schools, supplementary courses



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Course Start Date

End Date

Application Deadline


Regular fees: 630 - 930 EUR