This scholarship page was last updated on 06 April 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the National Science Foundation website or the National Science Foundation page for current opportunities.


National Science Foundation
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The Archaeology Program administers an annual Archaeometry competition with a target date of December 1. The goal is to fund projects in two main categories: To develop or refine anthropologically relevant archaeometric techniques. Examples include the development of methods to identify specific types of organic residues on ceramics or development of field applicable analytic techniques. To support laboratories which provide relevant services. This includes support of service laboratories which, for example, may provide dating trace element, isotopic and dendrochronological analyses. It also includes support for data archives, which function to strengthen basic archaeological infrastructure. Projects which apply standard archaeometic techniques with the goal to answer specific archaeological questions should be submitted to the Archaeology SeniorResearch Awards competition. Proposals are evaluated by both ad hoc reviewers and a panel composed of individuals who combine both archaeological and archaeometric expertise.
Categories: Science and Technology and other Research and Development.

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Stati Uniti