Online courses
Online Certification
Part Time
Regular fees: 2100 GBP
Team at London School of Economics
The London School of Economics and Political Science is now offering short, certificate courses, available online from anywhere in the world. These courses allow working professionals to enhance their skills online and in their own time, using a highly supportive and interactive learning platform.
Courses available
Machine Learning: Practical Applications online certificate course
Explore machine learning techniques to optimise your data analyses for informed business decision-making.
8 weeks | 7-10 hours per week
Public Policy Analysis online certificate course
Gain practical skills and analytical frameworks for analysing, evaluating, and communicating public policy.
10 weeks | 7-10 hours per week
Automation: Implementation in Business online certificate course
Learn how to deploy and manage key service automation technologies in your organisation, ethically and effectively, for enhanced productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction.
6 weeks | 7-10 hours per week
Real Estate Economics and Finance online certificate course
Gain the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to make more informed real estate investment decisions.
8 weeks | 7-10 hours per week
MBA Essentials online certificate course
Gain holistic business and leadership skills to become a better manager, with this essential toolkit for the contemporary business environment
10 weeks | 8-12 hours per week
Managerial Finance online certificate course
Develop an understanding of the crucial frameworks and tools of modern corporate finance to make better managerial and investment decisions
6 weeks | 8-12 hours per week
Business, International Relations and the Political Economy online certificate course
Learn to maximise opportunities and mitigate risk stemming from global events with expert commentary and insights from LSE thought-leaders
8 weeks | 7-10 hours per week
Negotiation Programme online certificate course
Maximise your negotiation skills for business and career success in this six-week online course.
6 weeks | 7-10 hours per week
Data Analysis for Management online certificate course
Develop the skills you need to analyse, interpret and communicate data with confidence and impact within your organisation.
8 weeks | 7-10 hours per week
Cryptocurrency and Disruption online certificate course
Understand the theory and technology behind cryptocurrencies, how people invest in them and the future implications for business.
6 weeks | 7-10 hours per week
How Online Courses Contribute to LSE's Mission
LSE was founded to address real world issues - with the aim of understanding the causes of things for the betterment of society. Offering online certificate courses supports this vision, making LSE’s world-leading teaching and research accessible to a global audience. The interactive nature of the learning experience enables the School to reach the widest possible audience, and allows students worldwide to engage in the academic debate for which LSE is renowned.
The Online Learning Experience
Studying with LSE online, you’ll gain access to the insights and teaching of LSE subject experts and thought leaders, as you would on-campus, in addition to hearing from industry pioneers through video lectures. You’ll engage with real-world case studies and issues, and upon successful completion of your course you’ll walk away with a certificate from LSE - validation of the knowledge and skills you’ve gained.
Presented in Collaboration with GetSmarter
To present these online certificate courses, LSE is collaborating with online education leaders, GetSmarter. GetSmarter’s people-based, interactive and supportive learning model has resulted in unprecedented course completion rates, as well as measurable career improvements for many past students. Studying with LSE and GetSmarter, you’ll have a dedicated Success Manager and access to technical and academic support around the clock. This personalised and intimate approach allows you to study from anywhere in the world, at the time of your convenience, and still interact with your peers.
Further Information and How to Apply
For more information on these online certificate courses, visit the course pages below, or contact
Houghton St, Holborn
WC2A 2AE London , Regno Unito