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PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Organization

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Phd programs

The program aims at providing comprehensive training in the areas of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Organization. For this purpose, it provides training in basic research tools commonly used in these areas, as well as specific training on skills connected to the lines of research developed by the different groups.

The program also provides training in advanced competencies and skills required to elaborate research, development and innovative work in the differente areas: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Organization, Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures, and Thermal and Fluids Engineering. 

Student profile

Students must have prior training in the areas of the Ph.D. Program (Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Thermal Engineering, Continuum Mechanics and Structural Theory, and Industrial Organization), particularly in the lines of research related to the topic of the thesis.

Good English skills that enable the student to read international publications, write articles and attend international conferences is higly valued.

Admission requirements

Admission is determined according to the criteria set by the Academic Committee listed below. These are implemented by the coordinator of the program, who reports to the Committee on a regular basis. 

  • Affinitiy of previous academic background with the area of specialization of the program.
  • Curriculum vitae and its affinitiy with the area of specialization of the program
  • Academic transcript, area of specialization and prestige of the institution of previous studies
  • Motivation letter, statement of commitment to the program, and letters of recommendation from researchers from the areas of specialization of the program
  • As RD 99/2011 Regulations require the appointment of a thesis advisor for every candidate that is admitted, the Academic Committee will request, as a requirement for admission, an endorsement from a professor of the program stating their willingness to accept the advisorship (and/or tutorship) of the thesis proposed by the candidate. The Committee will take into consideration for their appointment the professor's availability, their affinity with the candidate's profile and their interest in the topic of the thesis.    

The Academic Committee will determine the weight of the abovementioned criteria and the minimum score required for admission to the program. 

The Academic Committee can require in their resolution of admission the completion of up to 12 ECTS of complementary training credits for candidates meeting the profile detailed above. Candidates from areas other than Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Organization can be required to complete up to 24 ECTS of complementary training.

Admission criteria and procedures are the same for full-time and part-time students.

Admission criteria

In accordance with Article 6 of Royal Decree 99/2011, that regulates Ph.D. Programs, the following and requirements for admission into the Ph.D. Program in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Organization are established:

  • To have a Spanish Bachelor's degree or equivalent and a Master’s Degree in in engineering with a specialization in one of the areas of the Ph.D. Program: Mechanical Engineering; Industrial Organization; Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures; and Engineering thermal and Fluids.
  • To have an official university degree from a country in the European Space of Higher Education that qualifies for admission into a Master’s degree in accordance with the provisions established in Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, to have completed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at the Master’s level in one of the areas of specialization in the Ph.D. Program.
  • To have an equivalent degree from foreign educational systems in one of the areas of specialization of the Ph.D. Program. No homologation is necessary provided that a level equivalent to that of the Spanish Master’s Degree is demonstrated and provided that the degree gives access to graduate studies in the home country. Admission does not imply homologation of the applicant’s degree or its recognition for purposes other than access to Ph.D. studies.
  • To hold a Ph.D.
  • To have official Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in physics, mathematics, engineering or architecture with specializations that make it possible to acquire the skills and competences expected in the Program. These degrees may be from Spain or foreign educational systems but it is required that they give access to Ph.D. Programs in their countries of origin. The Academic Committee will decide on the candidate’s admission to the program by analyzing the adequacy of the candidate’s training and will determine the additional training required in case of admission.

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PhD Programs


Calle Madrid, 126

28903 Madrid , Espagne