This scholarship page was last updated on 29 June 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Defense DARPA - Biological Technologies Office website or the Department of Defense DARPA - Biological Technologies Office page for current opportunities.

Synthetic Hemo-technologIEs to Locate and Disinfect (SHIELD)

Department of Defense DARPA - Biological Technologies Office
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The Synthetic Hemo-technologIEs to Locate and Disinfect (SHIELD) program will develop safe and effective prophylactic countermeasures to defeat bloodborne pathogens and prevent bloodstream infections (BSI) associated with combat wounds. The program will develop prophylactic countermeasures effective against both bacteria and fungi, pathogens that are responsible for the vast majority of BSI. State-of-the-art countermeasures to manage BSI include antifungals and antibiotics which can be toxic, ineffective, and be administered in an untimely manner. SHIELD will develop safe and effective broad-spectrum prophylaxes that will protect recipients from bloodborne bacteria and fungi and prevent BSI for up to 144 h.
Categories: Science and Technology and other Research and Development.

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