This scholarship page was last updated on 15 August 2023. Some details may have changed since then. Please check the Department of Defense website or the Department of Defense page for current opportunities.

Archaeological Site Evaluation, MMRP, Fort Huachuca, Arizona

Department of Defense


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Analysis of the archaeological collections and associated data from the Military Munitions Response Program Former Landmine Training Remediation Site (MMRP) on behalf of the United States Army Garrison, Directorate of Public Works, Environmental and Natural Resources Division, Fort Huachuca, Arizona. The objectives of the work effort are to provide an exhaustive analysis, interpretation and appropriate curation or disposal of the archaeological collections and associated data from the MMRP Site. Meeting these objectives will require creation of maps, spatial analysis, inventory and in-depth analysis of the archaeological collections, and reports from the project. The work will be accomplished by an archaeologist or historic preservation specialist with military archaeology experience.
Categories: Environment.

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Yuma , Estados Unidos