FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study – Autumn School @ University of Mainz



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The longitudinal German Family Demography Panel Study FReDA provides longitudinal data on about 30,000 individuals in Germany. Sign-up for the 3-day FReDA Campus Autumn School to learn how to use the FReDA dataset. Participants will be introducted to FReDA, find out how to access the data, and will have the chance to work with the data through hands-on sessions.

FReDA collects data about living situations of partnerships and families in Germany over a prolonged and continuous period of time. A representative sample was drawn from all people aged 18 to 49 living in Germany in 2020. Twice a year, FReDA surveys its participants and their partners.

The panel study “FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study” at the Federal Institute for Population Studies (BiB) in Wiesbaden and the Research Unit “Interdisciplinary Public Policy” (IPP) at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz are inviting to the FReDA Autumn School 2024. At this 3-day workshop, learn more about FReDA from members of the project team and take advantage of the chance to work directly with the data.

The workshop is aimed at doctoral candidates, postdocs and advanced Master’s and Bachelor’s students. Register to attend via Deadline for applications is July 31st, 2024. Note that places are limited.

If you have any questions, please contact

What is FReDA? FReDA – The German Family Demography Panel Study is an interdisciplinary, long-term study about families and partnerships in Germany. Participants are between the ages of 18 and 49. Twice a year, FReDA surveys its participants and their partners.

The longitudinal German Family Demography Panel Study FReDA provides longitudinal data on about 30,000 individuals in Germany. FReDA collects data about living situations of partnerships and families in Germany over a prolonged and continuous period of time. A representative sample was drawn from all people aged 18 to 49 living in Germany in 2020. Twice a year, FReDA surveys its participants and their partners. More information about the study is available at


  • Large sample size: The FReDA panel collects about 30,000 interviews twice a year and there are already 5 sub-waves available.
  • Multi-actor design: Partners of the anchor sample are also surveyed.
  • Cross-national comparison: FReDA participates in the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS), which allows users to compare the data with many other European and non-European countries.
  • Open modules: Researchers have the opportunity to submit questions to be included in the FReDA questionnaire, expanding the scope of the survey.


  • Dates & time: Monday, 30 September 2024, 1.00 pm – Wednesday, 02 October 2024, 4.30 pm
  • Place: Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz


  • The course will be conducted in English and in person.
  • Researchers of all levels are welcome.
  • Participants should be able to use Stata, R or SPPS. Preferably Stata since examples will use Stata.
  • Register to attend via

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55099 Mainz , Deutschland